I am a full-time professional voiceover artist and open to making new connections.

Tristan Carter @Jarntazecht

Age 36

Voiceover Talent


Joined on 9/28/17

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27 / 50
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> 100,000
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Man does the site look polished now! It's balanced, everything is in an easy to find place, everything loads quickly. You can upload lots of different movie types.

It has been almost a full 20 years since I was last active on this site. I know that's kinda the age of the site in general but what I'm saying is, I was active on here when I was really young, and then I left for a while for a few reasons; like my equipment wasn't good enough for the site, found it easier to watch my favorite artists on Youtube, etc. Well, in college, which was about 2009 or so, my friend Victor posted a lot of his music to the Audio portal. Fast forward 10 years and here I am getting into voiceover. Turns out, there are a lot of voice actors on Newgrounds as well!

First started getting into voiceover after watching Ricepirate's quick breakdown of what's involved in getting started, but that was over 2 years ago. He said that Newgrounds was where he started. That video led to some other resources, and so far I've been studying any and all free resources that I can in order to build a business from voiceover. People who have money to invest in training and better equipment definitely have an advantage as far as getting started, but a person who is persistent ought to get there eventually.

Voiceover seems to be a thing that a lot more people are doing as of late, but that's the way things are gonna go I'm sure. For one thing, more and more people are going to be looking for ways to work from home. It's kinda the way things always were if you owned a farm or something, but more importantly the internet has made it a lot easier to make a lot of different things since it's all digital anyway. There's lots of people in small towns who have no means of making money because the town forgot to implement an economic plan. In addition the human population is increasing rapidly, so there's gonna be more people, and hence more workers needed for more work to be done.

There's also a lot more media being produced these days. In a world where everything is automated, there's not as many people needed in the working world anymore. Now, money is still a thing that's needed so a lot of people will go get jobs somewhere in order to pay the bills but honestly it all could just be automated tomorrow. That's less meant to scare people and more of a reason to go towards the productive direction, even if the production is the entertainment industry! If all humanity's needs were taken care of and paid for, entertainment would be the last industry around.

My original plan was to learn digital art, become one of those really nice digital painters/illustrators/cartoonists like Sakimichan, and go work for Pixar or something. Well as it turns out, and this was never explained to me by any adult before entering college, the college you go to matters a lot. If you go to a ghetto school, you will receive nothing in terms of education, and a LOT of student debt, and you will most likely be left with no resources. And when your after-school housing plan falls through at the last second, along with your backup plan, you'll end up couchsurfing. That is, if it's anything like my own experience, I ended up moving into the cheapest place I could find, which was in the ghetto, almost died, and moved back in with my parents. Found a job within a couple months but they limited my hours to so little that I had to get a different job; worked in IT for 4 years in the most run-down dump money could buy, was forced to quit that one, then got hired at The UPS Store which was also a run-down dump, so I had to quit that too. I'm a good worker I swear! As a lot of retail workers can attest to, when you have no choice but to work long hours to pay the bills, abusive owners will pay you as little as possible and treat you like garbage for as long as possible. And in this town where jobs are scarce, oh it's bad. If you want proof, you'll find that there were mass exoduses following behind every job I left.

Surely this energy can go to something different, right? I think so. I'm getting into Voiceover because it seems like something I can do. Lots of people have been told "You got a good voice" and I knew from the start that itself does not a voice actor make. But I wanted to learn about the realistic facets of working in the industry and honestly it sounds great. With a lot of people working from home in their own home studios, if you got the stuff, there's plenty of opportunities. While I was working at The UPS Store I was putting together said studio. And you can hear my demos either here or on my Youtube. But also I was working as the Graphic Designer for the store, so I ended up coming up with my own system of managing clients and the like. Why not just apply that to voiceover? So as of right now we're still in the marketing stages. If you feel you can use my voice for anything just let me know! I'm easy to get ahold of.